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YG342LC Fabrics Type Electro-static Measuring Intrument
Time:2016-05-28 10:28

Used to determine the electro-static properties of the electrified fabrics or yarn and other materilas by friction form.

Standards:FZ/T01061,JIS L1094

Technical parameter

1.Electro-static voltage measuring rang: 0~10KV,accuracy:≤1%

2.Speed: 400r/min

3.Press for friction: 500cN

4.Friction period: 0.1~9999s

5.Half life time range: 0.1s~9999.9s

6.Power supply: AC 220V±10% 50Hz

7.Power: 200W

Volume: 650mm×380mm×470mm    N.W.:40kg