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HAII-1 High speed impact tester
Time:2016-07-08 14:55

The tester is used to simulate the impact force of the object under high speed flight mode. Can be under the impact of the test object is the impact of self destruction of material, classics and the study on failure mechanism and preventive measures; more important is can be detected materials shock absorbing and transferring the relevant performance indicators of the impact energy, determination of the object to be protected in protective material partition conditions by the actual impact peak force and peak duration according to effectively evaluate the protective material on the impact of the actual protection ability.

Technical index:

1. Maximum spring pressure:8000N

2. Maximum flight length:700mm

3. Impact head weight: 1.8kg

4. Acceleration: 10000m/s2

5. Power Supply: AC220V/500W

6. Instrument weight: 452kg

7. Outline dimension: 830 mm ×730 mm ×2000mm

8. Pressure: 0.4-0.8MPa

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