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Y331LN Digital Yarn Twist Counter
Time:2016-06-02 15:23

The tester is used for testing the twist and twist irregularity of all kinds of yarns.It adopts the clock circuit and save data.It can measure the speed which can adjust sleeplessly.

Standards:GB/T2543.1,GB/T2543.2,FZ/T10001,GB/T14345,FZ/T01092,ISO2061,ISO/DISI7202,BS2085,ASTM D1422,ASTM D1423,JIS L1095 etc.

Technical parameter

1.Range of the suitable yarn: all kinds of yarns

2.Twist: 1~1999twist

3.Test number of times: 100 times

4.Test method: four methods from F0 to F3

F0:direct counting method

F1:untwist-retwist menthod

F2:untwist-retwist method

F3:three times untwist-retwist method

5.Range of the suitable yam: 1~499.9 tex

6.Test length: 10~500mm

7.Rotate speed: 100r/min~2000r/min

8.Point locomotor speed: 100r/min~2000r/min

9.Data output mode: A.Display by LCD B.Printer

10.Power supply: AC 220V±10% 50Hz

11.Power: 20W

